Generation and characterization of stable pig pregastrulation epiblast stem cell lines.
A pig BodyMap transcriptome reveals diverse tissue physiologies and evolutionary dynamics of tran...
Understanding three-dimensional chromatin organization in diploid genomes.
Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in Chinese Chenghua and Yorkshire pigs.
Transcriptomic and genome-wide association study reveal long noncoding RNAs responding to nitroge...
Genetic architecture of maize yield traits dissected by QTL mapping and GWAS in maize.
Pan-genome analysis of 33 genetically diverse rice accessions reveals hidden genomic variations.
Pacific Biosciences assembly with Hi-C mapping generates an improved, chromosome-level goose geno...
Comparative microRNA Transcriptomes in Domestic Goats Reveal Acclimatization to High Altitude.
Comprehensive Analysis of mRNA and lncRNA Transcriptomes Reveals the Differentially Hypoxic Respo...